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2019 DCC Specialty Trophy Donations

Thank you to everyone who sponsored a trophy or an event, or made a donation.  Your generosity has helped make the 50th Anniversary Event a success!!  


Conformation                                                                         Donor

Best of Breed                 $75                 Roadpartner Dalmatians, Betty & John Pirs

Best of Opposite           $50                 Cetina Dalmatians, Miranne Dick

BOW                                 $40                Cetina Dalmatians, Miranne Dick            

Best Puppy                     $20                Jamie & Tiffany Shaw   

Winners Dog                  $30                True Colors Dalmatians (Colorado USA) “..all because of a Dal.” Kevin O’Connell & Kevin West

Reserve WD                    $20                Element N FirstState Dalmatians St Gilles, Que. Can & Coastal Delaware, USA. "All because of a Dal."

Winners Bitch               $30                  True Colors Dalmatians (Colorado USA) “..all because of a Dal. Kevin O’Connell & Kevin West

Reserve WB                    $20                Element N FirstState Dalmatians St Gilles, Que. Can & Coastal Delaware, USA. "All because of a Dal."

Open Dog, Black           $15                  Audrey Martel

Open Bitch, Black         $15                  Horizoncrest Dalmatians (Steve and Sharon Nielsen) in memory of CH. Camosun’s Chickadee

Open Dog, Liver            $15      

Open Bitch, Liver          $15                   Horizoncrest Dalmatians (Steve and Sharon Nielsen) in memory of CH. Camosun’s Belinda  

Veteran, Dog   7-9        $20

Veteran Bitch  7-9        $20                   Sharon Debor in memory of  Can/Am/ Intl CH Shenandal's Imagine The Joy CD RN CGN/RN

Veteran, Dog   10+       $20

Veteran Bitch  10+       $20                     Vickie Eckard

Best Veteran                  $30                   Brightspot Dalmatians, Ross & Karen Hopmans

Junior Puppy Dog         $15                   Echoview Dalmatians, John & Bonnie Hetherington

Junior Puppy Bitch       $15                    Echoview Dalmatians, John & Bonnie Hetherington

Dog, 12-18 months      $15                      Audrey Martel

Bitch,  12-18 months   $15      

Canadian Bred Dog     $15                     Echoview Dalmatians, John & Bonnie Hetherington

Canadian Bred Bitch   $15                      Echoview Dalmatians, John & Bonnie Hetherington

Bred by Exhibitor Dog $15                      Meg Callea - Tramac Dals

Bred by Exhibitor Bitch $15                     Meg Callea - Tramac Dals

Baby Puppy Dog           $15                      Audrey Martel

Baby Puppy Bitch         $15                      Audrey Martel

Best Baby Puppy           $20                   Jamie & Tiffany Shaw

Best Brace                       $20       .

Dam & Progeny             $20                    Roadpartner Dalmatians, Betty & John Pirs            

Sire & Get                       $20                     Roadpartner Dalmatians, Betty & John Pirs

Altered Dog                    $15                     Shenandal Dalmatians, Sharon Deboer

Altered Bitch                  $15                      Shenandal Dalmatians, Sharon Deboer

Best Altered                   $20                     Sharon Debor in memory of  Can/Am/ Intl CH Shenandal's Imagine The Joy CD RN CGN/RN


1st to 4th in each class  $10 each  (Possibly 23 different classes)

Junior Handling

Conformation                $30



Best in Sweeps                 $40                   True Colors Dalmatians (Colorado USA) “..all because of a Dal. Kevin O’Connell & Kevin West

Best Junior in Sweeps    $25   

Best Senior in Sweeps    $25

Best Veteran in Sweeps $40



Highest Score in Trial  $50

PreNovice                       $20                     

Novice A                          $20                     Jamie & Tiffany Shaw      

Novice B                          $20                      Brad & Heather Parsons                                    

Open  A                           $20

Open  B                           $20

Utility                               $20

Highest Combined Obedience

& Rally Score                  $40


Highest Scoring who’s also

competing in Conformation  $20                Roadpartner Dalmatians, Betty & John Pirs



Highest Score in Trial  $50                            Cathy Stevens

Novice A                          $20                          Jamie & Tiffany Shaw                               

Novice B                          $20                          Vickie Eckard

Advanced A                    $20

Advanced B                    $20                           Brad & Heather Parsons

Excellent A                      $20

Excellent B                      $20


Highest Scoring who’s also

competing in Conformation  $20              Roadpartner Dalmatians, Betty & John Pirs


Dock Diving

Novice                              $20                        Jamie & Tiffany Shaw

Junior                               $20

Senior                               $20                         Brad & Heather Parsons

Master                             $20



Novice                              $20

Intermediate                 $20

Master                             $20



General Trophy Fund – Any amount is appreciated!                 

  • Brandy Dobson            $50

  • François-Pier Garant & Patrice Corriveau, Element Dalmatians  $150

  • Carola Adams, Onsengeltje Dalmatians $50

  • Meg & Mike Hennessey, Snowood Dalmatians. $50


Thanks to everyone for their support and generosity!



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